
[BEDA: 14] Desire

Script Frenzy: 71
I've been slowing way down on my script frenzy effort. Still ahead of schedule and will hopefully write more tomorrow, but I've been sleeping during my productive times (middle of the night) so things haven't been working out so well.

I cracked my phone on Monday night and since it's been behaving weirdly. I'm not sure that it's entirely the phone at fault though, as it does seem to be working fine in some places. I'm wondering if Three have turned off the 2G-ness in my area, as they have been doing elsewhere. So they're no longer using Orange as a partner. Not sure. We'll see how it goes. Should probably look into getting the screen fixed though.

I went to see Hop at the cinema tonight. It wasn't great, but nor was it awful. I had a lot of trouble believing that James Marsden was under 30 though. He was playing someone who was around 27, I'd say, when in fact he's 37 and he'll be 38 this year. Parts of it were funny, but I don't think there was enough funny bits to keep the film moving, it seemed pretty slow a lot of the time.

On Tuesday, as I think I probably said, I met Allan, Robyn and Charis in the Laichmoray bar. Here's a video from that day.

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