
[BEDA: 24] Pudding Lane

So today, yet again, I didn't do a whole lot. I woke up pretty late, after an awesome sleep and then remembered that I still had a new episode of Fringe to watch. Which I did.

It's getting pretty late into season 3 and so far it's been pretty amazing, I'm glad it's been picked up for a fourth season and I can't wait to find out how this one ends.

Later, it was quiz time. Paula picked me up and we went and grabbed Tain. It ended up just being us three, and in honour of the last time it was just us three, our team name was "Men With Moustaches" -- That name came about due to utterly failing at the connections round the first time we were in a team together. We didn't know the connection so ended up forcing the connection to be Men With Moustaches.

Tonight's connection round, we managed to successfully get the connection and I even made up a name that ended up being right. Win.

I just finished uploading this video, it was filmed out at Ryan's yesterday. It's mainly Ryan being an idiot. Enjoy.

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