
[BEDA: 21] Too Much Food

Today, I woke up early and waited to hear from either Robyn or Allan about the day's plans. Allan spoke up first, and eventually I met him on the plainstones at around 12.

Rhiannon, Amy, Allan and I went to the muckle, where we got some lunch, then Amy, Robyn, Allan and I went to the bus station to find out when the next bus to Findhorn was. We had around 20mins to wait. In that time, Rhiannon realised that she didn't have her keys, so she came to collect them.

The bus was £6.40. Which was a lot cheaper than we expected.

Once in Findhorn, we went for a walk along the beach and generally hung out around there for a while, attempting to build a sand castle, getting bored with that really quickly and wishing we could go in the water, but knowing that it'd be freezing cold and that none of us had come at all prepared to do so.

We then made our way to The Kimberley Inn, where we ended up getting some dinner. I'm not sure any of us were that hungry, but still, we managed to all order big meals. I had a steak pie.

It was around this point we decided to check the bus times for going home, our options were 5:30 or 7:30 and given that Allan had already made plans to go to the cinema at night, we opted for the 5:30 bus. We went back down to the water front, for a little bit before heading to the bus stop and waiting for our bus.

Once back in Elgin, I phoned for a lift home and walked with Allan, Amy and Robyn into town, where I met Karen. I stopped with her and chatted to her for a bit. While chatting to her and showing her some of the photos, we got offered some pot.

"Either of you's smoke?"
"None of you's?"
"Got any pot?"
"Want some?"

Fine, thanks.

Later, Ryan came and picked me up and we went and met the others after they'd been at the cinema, going to the cooperage for a drink. Then Ryan, CC and I went to McDonalds quickly before I came home again.

Click the following link for some pictures what were taken with my camera today: PICTURES OF THINGS

Also, enjoy this video.

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