
[BEDA: 8] Mobile Blogging?

So yesterday I didn't do much of anything. I woke up around 3, and lay in bed for the majority of the day... interrupted every so often by the star wars cantina music (my ringtone), with Richard calling me.

"hey man, that time we went to see Theatre Fall in Aberdeen, who were the other band?"
"Official Secrets Act."

"hey, we're going to the park, you wanna come?"
"im still in bed, I'll be honest, its not likely..."

"Hey, its cold, we're not at the park any more."

"we're outside your house, come out, Paula wants to see your face."

I got out of bed, threw on some clothes and went outside. Sure enough, they were sat in the car. I stood chatting for a while, before getting in and directing them on a scenic route to Lossiemouth. Where we had an ice cream. Good times.

After that, we went home.

I went to sleep around midnight, but was up again by 2:30am. Caught up with the latest episode of Mr. Sunshine and Monroe. Then generally tried to sleep for the next six or so hours. Fun.

I'm heading down to the ODTC office at 4 to talk over some stuff with Tina.

I'll probably update this post late, with a final Script Frenzy count as well as some other stuff - I just wanted to test out the Blogger app on my phone.

Update: I was going to update this post, I figured I'd just leave it as it was, but then I was still up just now (4am) and so I decided, what the hell?

I went down to the ODTC office, as planned and talked some stuff over with Tina. She explained stuff that I already knew, involving some work I'd already done down there, and the fact that it was taken offline. She also spoke to me about possibily volunteering a bit, which I think I'm going to do -- Or at least attempt and see how it goes. She talked about possibly, if they can get the funding, making it into a job, but I'm not that bothered about that aspect of things. As I told her, the time I spent working there was some of the most fun I've had in a while, so I'd be happy to go back and work some more, if means being around them again.

After that, I walked home through the park. It was a really nice day out and I kind of wished I'd taken my camera with me, instead though I listened to some spotify from my phone while walking across the park.

When I got home, I didn't have my key (I knew this before I went out) and my mum wasn't home (something I didn't really factor in before leaving) so I ended up climbing in my bedroom window. The dogs heard me as I walked into the garden and I could hear them barking when I was climbing in the window, however when I appeared they seemed to drop all sense of urgency. Which, is good, I guess, given that I'm their owner, but at the same time, I can't help but feel a little disappointed in their guard-dog skills. Attack!

Since then, I've not done a whole lot. I managed to scrape together around 4 pages for Script Frenzy, bringing the grand total, for today up to 50 pages.

I also downloaded and watched the first two episodes of The Kennedy's. Which I enjoyed, but at the same time, felt like I wasn't paying the most attention to.

Alright, this is the end for real now. Adios.

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