
[BEDA: 10] #Winning

Script Frenzy: 60 pages.

I hit the wedding stuff on Script Frenzy last night, writing a best man's speech was interesting. I decided to have the character play it like he couldn't really care less about it. There are far more jokes than should probably be allowed in a speech of that nature, and not nearly enough sincerity. However, I think it works. To an extent at least.

Tonight, we went to Pub Quiz, as we do most sundays.

At the quiz, there's the quiz itself. Five rounds in total. A picture round, of 20 pictures. Usually famous faces. Three trivia rounds, the first of which is usually general knowledge and the third which is always music intros.

After the quiz there's an accumulator. Where people pay an extra pound for a raffle ticket (you can buy as many tickets as you want) for the chance to win either the jackpot (the total amount from the amount of tickets bought) or anything between £1 and £15.

To win, you select a ball. There are 16 balls and each ball has a number on it, apart from the 16th which is red. If you pick the red ball, you win the lot. If you pick a numbered ball, you get whatever amount of pounds the number equates to (ball 1, £1, ball 2, £2, etc).

The prize hadn't been won in around 12 weeks. And the total prize fund had accumulated to over £900. And today, Stuart won it. All.

He put £200 behind the bar, and bought everyone in the bar drinks.

At first we weren't sure if he had won it, it sounded like he had, but there wasn't that much cheering -- no-one was sure, I don't think... but he had... and yeah. Amazing.

Morna was also back for quiz, cause she's got an audition tomorrow.

Good times had by all.

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