A bunch of us headed out to Ryan's for what had been said would be a barbecue. That didn't really happen though and we sat and played some games for a bit, and even headed outside when it stopped raining to throw around a football. There's some video from that that I plan to edit tomorrow at some point.
The barbecue turned into hotdogs. Which was fine, but not the most filling thing ever.
Around 7:30pm, we left Ryan's and started on the journey back to Elgin, where we'd arranged to meet up at Tesco, to prepare for Car Hide & Seek.
Three cars, 11 people. Go.
It didn't go well for our team at all, losing out at every opertunity we had. Sometimes by miles, sometimes by seconds. We took a brief break mid-way for a McDonalds, which was fine. And CC, Logan and Tain joined in after the second round.
Once I got home, I chatted to my mum for a bit and then finally sat down to watch the new episode of Doctor Who, which was awesome and I'm currently in the middle of watching the Confidential episode just now. I'd heard they originally planned to have the two-parter series opener air on both Saturday and Sunday. But, that's changed now and it's airing next week instead. While I wouldn't have been able to watch it live, I don't think, from how the first episode finished, I really wish the second episode was tomorrow.
Robyn hates Doctor Who apparently. She can go burn in hell.
The end.
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