
[BEDA: 12] Polar Bear

Script Frenzy: 68

I woke up just before 10:45am, to the sound of the two dogs barking. A sound that just didn't stop. My alarm was set for 10:45 any way, so it wasn't that big a deal, but still, annoying.

When I got up out of bed, I found my mum sat outside on the front step. Chatting to a neighbour. As you do. The dogs were barking because they wanted out to see the neighbour.

Not long after, Tina phoned. First asking if she'd woken me (she hadn't) and then saying that she was just heading into town, but she wanted to actually go about town first, so she'd be in the office an hour or so later.

I went and got myself showered and stuff, chatted to my mum for a bit, before walking across the park to the office. It was nice and sunny when I left and I was wearing shorts. When I got there though, I looked out the window at the sky which had become a dark grey colour. And rain had started to spatter against the window.

Tina and I spent a couple of hours sorting through photos and uploading them to facebook, which was nice. I love hearing all the stories that come from the company (almost as much as she loves telling them).

After we were done, I walked with Tina to the hairdressers and then went to the Laichmoray to meet Allan, Robyn and Charis. Amy came along later as well. We discussed Robyn being a commie bastard for a while, before going to the Torr House for tea. Where we opted to sit outside, because it'd turned nice again (albeit a little windy). Just as we finished out food though, the rain started again. We went back inside for a bit.

Then, I walked home across the park again. Trying to get my phone to work. Which, eventually it did start doing, though I'm still not sure why it ever stopped.

Since getting home, I've not done a whole lot. I wrote a couple more pages of Script Frenzy, I could have probably written more, but I'm feeling tired again. So not all that into it. At least I've written something though.

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