Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
So, Wednesday night (Nov. 24th) we all went out to Franny's to discuss topics of conversation for the meeting the next day, the majority of the questions came from the last meeting and the minutes we were sent from it.
The topics were as follows:
- 1. Why were we told two weeks, then six weeks and why did it end up being eight weeks -- something that wasn't noted in the minutes, which only said six weeks.
- 2. We were told that she would only be released if carers were put in place, if we didn't agree to that then things would be made "official" - What does/did that mean?
- 3. Discrepancies between what was said at the meeting and what we know to be true. E.g., "Graham Cameron to organise carers - 2 in the mornings, to start Wednesday 27 October 2010." -- One carer started on the 3rd of November. and "Alison McPherson (Staff Nurse) reported there have been no problems with Jessie's skin folds or problems with her bowels." -- it was in the records for her stay that her skin had been red. Which may not have been any more than normal, but that's not what the record in the minutes implies.
- 4. Gaye Morrison. Why was she there and why wasn't she introduced (or at the very least, why weren't we made aware that she'd be there before the meeting).
Graham started the meeting by having us state who we were again. This time, Barbara was there, from Abbeyvale Day Centre and when we were done introducing ourselves, it was Barbara who kicked things off with a run down of how my Granny had been getting on at Abbeyvale.