
Somebody Save Me

I just got done watching the Smallville series finale.

When Smallville first started, I was 14. I'll be 24 next month. That's 10 years. 10 seasons. I didn't watch it all, in fact, I haven't watch regularly in a few years, because the budget took a massive cut and it showed. It wasn't the show that I'd been so excited to watch any more.

But tonight, it was the finale. The end. I had to watch it, partly to make sure it actually finished, but mainly to see just HOW it finished. Would they recapture what once was?

The answer, for me at least, is yes. They managed it. It was cheesy as fuck, obviously, but that's what Smallville always was, in a way and in the end, we got to see Superman fly. 10 years is a long time to wait for them to break the "no tights, no flights" rule, but they did it.

Smallville introduced me to online fandom, and also caused me to drop out of online fandom. It was what made me connect with who I'd consider to be one of my best friends 'IRL', as well. Some days, it was all we'd talk about, we've since grown up, and now talk about other things... Other TV shows... Movies...

I remember, before it started in the UK, I'd heard about it online. I remember how excited I was about a TV show, a show about Superman BEFORE he was Superman. What?! Genius. So much potential. MUST WATCH IT.

There aren't many shows that make me as excited any more, notable exception, perhaps, being Doctor Who, but Doctor Who doesn't have the themesong that you can sing along to. That opening shot of the meteors with 'Somebody Save Me' starting up... I'll miss it.

I'm glad it ended well though, I'm glad they got to end it. It should probably have ended earlier than it did, but the fact is, they got to actually end it. Which is all you can really ask for with a show like Smallville and the fact that the ending they gave it was a fitting one? Even better.

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